So since you’re on a break, perhaps we can ask Moddy questions? If so, do you ever get prompts you really have a lot of issues writing that seems to pop up a lot?

I… do have an issue with some prompts

For one bashing prompts, I don’t like
bashing prompts because usually the character its aimed at don’t
deserve it. (example? Padme when the paring is Obikin)

But I also don’t like prompts which
basically implies the Jedi are the assholes of the galaxy.

No, they are not perfect but what kind
of organization is?

The unfortunate truth is that they were
a group of people who tried their best and ultimately fell prey both
to the curse of sentient, fear, stagnation, their own created isolation and the enemy. Or that’s
my impression of them, as people who tried and failed but a lot of
people seem to think that the Jedi were somehow a scourge who
basically deserved to be wipe out it seems.

I really don’t get that. I mean I had
one that basically asked me to have Jedi kidnap kids.

They don’t. They discourage contact
once the kids come to the temple yes but before that, they visit the
parents often, speak with them about the kids and the temple and tell
them where the kids are going and what’s going to happen.

That was shown in Clone wars.

So yeah I guess I have issues with some
prompts because I just can’t see the Jedi as something evil or
deliberately cruel. Misguided yes, treading on the wrong path but…
not deliberately cruel.

Anyhow, yeah, sorry for blathering.

Anyhow yeah, if you all want you can
ask me questions this week hah.

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