So I am a bad archivist who needs to get her butt moving, and I don’t know if you’ve done this before. Obi-Wan, the galaxy’s biggest flirt, says/does something outrageous on the wrong planet and winds up married. To whom (and how many) I will leave up to you, but I’m just saying I would love it if it was a load of the 212th…

out of the dried half of a fruit turned into a bowl, Obi-Wan
bemusedly wondered how he’d manage to get himself into this


wasn’t like it was uncommon honestly for Jedi to somehow get
married actually, they had to give after for certain customs after
all to be able to negotiate peace and sometimes accidents did happen
since every planet had their own rituals. It wasn’t like it was
Obi-Wan’s fault the natives weren’t clear that some site was
considered holy and if two people entered them and shared food or
water or something like that they were considered wed.

how in Force name Obi-Wan had managed to end up married to his entire

will require some explanation to the Council.’ He decided on even
as he watched in amusement as Waxer twirled Boil around, laughing and
dancing with
the locals out
on the festival plaza as
the locals
threw one hell of a wedding party.

still say they are overcompensating and they just wanted an excuse to
throw a party and
we conveniently wandered into their holy place.”
Cody muttered in an aside to Obi-Wan.

but it is still legally binding Commander.” Obi-Wan hummed at him
in return under his breath.

his brow in return, Cody stared at him. “…Really?”

yes.” Obi-Wan sipped from the dried fruit again before offering it
to his Commander with a small smile. “Its not my first wedding so
I know that most of these are legally binding.”
He winked.

the bowl fruit, Cody made a low amused noise. “So how many husbands
or wives do you have?”

a low hum, Obi-Wan leaned against the other man, relaxing. “Oh,
none, all of them were either annulled or the person in questioned
died.” Obi-Wan said lightly, his heart giving a painful throb at
Qui-Gon’s memory and amusement at the wedding.

had looked beautiful at the time too…

celebration had included a ritual facial paint along with their hands
being bound
together, a knot to
signify tying their lives eternally. He still had that ribbon stashed
in a box under his bed at the temple.

reading something of Obi-Wan’s face, Cody slipped his arm around
the Jedi’s waist while pulling him in closer, hand settled on his
hip. “Well, you have quite a few husbands now who are more then
willing to look after you.” He murmured quietly before his grin
turned mischievous.
“If you don’t have this annulled that is.”

Obi-Wan pretended to mock consider it before winking once again at
the other. “No, I think I’ll keep you all, at least on a trial
run.” Obi-Wan teased before yelping as Gregor grabbed him by the
hand and pulled him to the dance floor, laughing with the man as he
was twirled out onto it in a moving mass of bodies in motions and joy
in the Force with alcohol flowing freely. ‘Forgive me Qui-Gon but I
want to be happy again.’ Obi-Wan let himself be swept away, delight
in his heart as each trooper at some point caught him for their own
a few brief moments.

vode knew how to share and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but find joy in
being loved by so many.

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