Soooo the Olympics are over and Norway killed it in the medal count and Canada closely behind. What winter sports would the crew be in? I feel like Obi-Wan would be a cross country skier. Cody I see a curler. Anakin would be a snowboarder. Ahsoka a skier. Rex is hard one for me to think. Thoughts on this Moddy?

I know! Its crazy! The official count for Norway is now 39 medals for
our total of 109 athletes! They must be so happy!

As for the question…

Anakin I can see as a downhill racer because of the speed and
adrenaline but snowboarder is possible too.

I’m guessing team sports like bobsleds actually, the general is
that they are disciplined and adrenaline driven too so speedy sports.
Biathlete, which combines skii and shooting might be
their thing too.

biathlete like the vode.

Padme I’m thinking figure skating in
master class because have you seen the legs on those ladies and arms?
Force be still my beating heart those lads and ladies are beautifully
graceful and powerfully strong like a dancer which is frankly what
they are doing on blades on the ice.

I wanna make Cody and Rex a team
curling pair actually.

As for Obi-Wan… I honestly see him as
a possible partner for Padme in figure skating or as a speed skater
with his body build. Powerful but graceful you know.

Qui-Gon is a former athlete and now a
trainer though lol.

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