(Sent this a while ago, but maybe tumblr ate it? Obi-wan gets a «free hugs» sign taped to his back for a day. If you’d really rather not do it, thats fine too)


Anakin blinked as he found the man hiding away in a dark
alcove, the copper haired
Master looking a bit discontented and confused as he peered back at

“What are you…what’s going
on?” It was clear to the knight that Obi-Wan was hiding in the dark

gave a slow shrug then glanced about warily. “Just…people have
been behaving strangely around me this morning.” He stepped closer
to Anakin when the younger man carefully coaxed him forward and out
of the dark alcove.


The older man hesitated before
shrugging. “Several have…hugged me. No reason for it. Yoda even
hugged my legs.” He shrugged again and Anakin blinked at the image
presented. “He’s not
the only one. So far half the council has, all the padawans and quite
a few masters, Mace even gave me a bear hug. I just…its nice but very…unusual.” Obi-Wan

nice?” Anakin blinked and Obi-Wan suddenly looked rather

“I, that is…hrmm.” The man
took a deep breath then nodded. “Yes, nice. Its…been a rather
long while since I was hugged like that.” He confessed.

Anakin stared at him as he walked
beside the man. “Oh…well…” He stopped and Obi-Wan stopped
beside him, peering curiously at him before tensing ever so slightly
when the taller man wrapped his arms around him, squeezing Obi-Wan
into a careful but genuine hug.

“…Have to admit, this one is
better then the earlier ones.” Obi-Wan chuckled against the others
shoulder and if his voice sounded a bit thick, then Anakin wasn’t
going to say anything.

“Just…if you want a hug, you
can always come to me. I mean…I might no longer be your very young
padawan and you my very young master…but…well…I will admit I
miss this part.” Anakin confessed, taking in the changes since he
was a teen, how Obi-Wan’s broad frame slotted under his chin and
how warm the other felt in his arms.

“I will keep that in mind

Over the others head Anakin
caught view of a flimsi stuck to the others back in with Ahsoka’s
handwriting on it, a small, sad grin crossing his lips as he read it
upside down.

-I work very hard. I’m very
tired. I deserve all the hugs I can get.-

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