Padawan Ben Continuation Part 9


Ok, here it it, the second or third to last part of this continuation of a fic. So close to the end!!

Thanks as always to the amazing and wonderful @swpromptsandasks who is the only reason any of this exists, and thank you to everyone who has stuck around this far in my second ficcing adventure. And an extra special thanks to everyone who reblogged and left replies; you guys all really made my fucking week!!

(Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6/Part 7/Part 8)

Anakin jerked awake to the sound
of his comm chirping.

Ever since they had rescued Ben
from Palpatine’s–and then Ventress’s–clutches he had refused to leave his
husband’s side for more than a few minutes at a time. True, Ben was under 24/5
surveillance, both to monitor his condition and to prevent another incident,
but after everything that had happened Anakin wouldn’t trust anyone but himself
to watch over the clone Jedi.

Keep reading

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