
Mace and Obi-Wan get drunk
together at the end of the war. Just one night to be irresponsible
together and they will go back tommorow to try to be everything
people need. Sleeping together and loving it wasn’t in the plan…

anakin nearly dies on a mission
and obi-wan has a near heart attack? with lots of angst and a fluffy
ending please ❤

Anakin and Padme are excited when
they meet Obi-Wan’s biological family, however they are upset when
Obi-Wan doesn’t share their enthusiasm.

Just fell in love with your
MasterMine au! What if Anakin got turned into a Krayt Dragon and
Obi-wan into a Lantern Bird? Does Anakin curl up around Obi-wan,
Ahsoka and the vast majority of 501 (he’d curl around all of them but
they don’t all fit but sith hells if he didn’t try) hissing at
everyone? Does someone get concerned about the symbolism of turning
into Krayt dragon only to be told that Tatoonie slaves consider the
dragons protectors? Does the enemy severely regret that particular
move? (I like this one however its not the direction I want to
take MasterMine into with them changing shapes

I was reading through some of
your older series and I had an idea for a prompt. Super Backwards
Lineage AU! (i.e. Ahsoka trains Anakin who trains Obi-Wan) I know you
wanted to focus on your current series so don’t feel pressured to
pick it up, but I wanted to send it on its way before I forgot about
it.  (I’m not sure which one this is in reference
to! D8 sorry!

The idea of Obi-Wan ending up
with a small pack of orphaned Padawans following him around won’t
leave me. He is stuck on the front lines and for reasons (too
dangerous/can’t spare the men of shuttle to take them) they can’t be
sent back to the temple. So he ends up teaching and caring for them
because like hell if he’s gonna leave them to flounder on their own.
The kids tutor each other and form a support group because they are
all going through the same thing. ½

2/2 He introduces them to others
as /his/ Padawans regardless of the Jedi ‘rule of two’ that a master
can have only one apprentice. Suddenly Anakin has a whole clutch of
‘younger siblings’.

consider this: leia and luke role
switch. leia as the farm girl turned badass jedi and luke as the
prince who falls in love with han solo (I like it, but I’m not
sure what to write that wouldn’t be pretty much scene by scene the
movie even with Luke as ‘princess’ and Leia as the Jedi

prompt for the omega Ezra drabbles, how do you think Ezra’s first
heat would go? (Sorry!
But I’m not really comfortable writing Ezra in heat since he’s
still underage. Ps, I am so sorry I had to cut your message off but
the symbol made the text go weird when I copied it onto here!

Ahsoka is a confused pansexual
due to the order, but she has Obianidala as parents. Adorable family
fluff ensues. (…Why is the Order responsible for her being a
confused pansexual?

Not a question, but if you’re
doing prompts l, can you write something (anything) where Obi-Wan
takes a lightsaber to the face à la Kanan Jarrus in Rebels, and has
to deal with the consequences. (Not rejecting this prompt but I
have a series where Obi-Wan as a padawan had this happen from
Xanatos. I could continue that one or do one with adult Obi-Wan so
please give me a heads up on that.

Can you write a tidbit about
Padme’s ghost haunting Vader for the rest of his days? Especially in
his castle at Mustafar+

Would you write a story about
naboo who mace windu save qui gon jinn because he love him and adopet
obi wan and anakin + depa like new brothers and mace protect/meet his
grandchilds ahsoka and

people, these prompts are up for grabs!

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