(Not sure if the prompt went through the first time) Qui-Gon has a soulbond with Obi-Wan that means he cannot form a full training bond with anyone else. Does he still request to train Anakin? What is the council’s reaction? Thank you for your writing!


something you do Qui-Gon.” Yoda’s ears twitched hard as Qui-Gon
stood there with his hands on Anakin’s shoulders, a frown on his
wrinkled face as he forewent formality. “A padawan you have. And a
soulbond. Ready your current padawan may be, but form another bond
you cannot.”

As the mans
padawan, Obi-Wan said nothing and kept his gaze on the tips of his
boots, hands clenched on own wrists and hidden by his robes.

“Anakin needs to
be trained.” Qui-Gon argued, more quietly at the reminder before
glancing at Obi-Wan and then back to Yoda. “And I may still be able
to form a second bond even with a soulbond, there are repor-”

“None which have
been confirmed.” Mace broke in.

“I wonder…”
Depa leaned back in her chair, watching Qui-Gon. “If your bondmate
feels overlooked. As your padawan he is forced to agree with you and
follow your lead…but as your bondmate…” She looked at Obi-Wan
who firmly kept his eyes on his boots still.

Qui-Gon jaw tensed
at that.

He would admit
that he could run rough shot over Obi-Wan at times since he was older
part and also the others master. And perhaps lately he had been
focused on his goal of getting Anakin into the Order but he
wouldn’t…they had worked on that right?

Obi-Wan would have
told him if he felt ignored?

After the soulbond
had become active at his padawans seventeenth birthday they had
WORKED on it…Obi-Wan would have told him, right?

‘…No he
wouldn’t have. Not as my padawan. And I haven’t given him my time
as a bondmate have I…’ He glanced at the other to find Obi-Wan’s
eyes not moving from those boots of his. But he had spent twelve
years with him, could spot the tenseness of the others shoulders,
could see the fine tremble of the others locked calves.

Obi-Wan was upset.

His hands tensed
on Anakin’s shoulders.


They are not going
to Naboo.

Obi-Wan is sure it
has something to do with the fact that he never once responded during
the whole Council meeting but he can’t bring himself to care as he
moves into their quarters and goes right for his old room.

Qui-Gon catches his elbow before he can reach the room however and
holds onto him, doesn’t let him leave. “Please.”

“…Now you want
to talk?” He mumbled, the bitterness of his voice catching even
himself off guard.

“Yes, I do. I’m
sorry, I should have done this earlier.” Qui-Gon carefully pulled
the other until Obi-Wan was standing in front of him, rubbing his
upper arms slowly.

Eyes firmly pinned
on the others broad chest, Obi-Wan pinched his lips together. “I
thought we agreed that you’d treat me like the adult I deserved to
be treated as and listen to me when it came to my visions even if you
don’t believe them?”

“We did, I’m
sorry Obi-Wan. I just was…caught up in…” Qui-Gon struggled to
put it into words.

“In Anakin.”
The redhead finally looked up, giving him a small glare. “I
understand your fascinating but you really went to far with that. Pod
race? Betting with him as a bonus? Taking his count without asking
either his mother or himself? Leaving his mother behind when he’s
clearly attached to her? He was former slave, there is so much that
could go wrong. I agree he needs training but why as a Jedi. Why
here. Why YOU?”

“No one else
were willing?” It came out as more of a question then a proper
answer and Qui-Gon inwardly winced at the weak answer, wondering
where his negotiation skills had gone.

“Oh right,
because you’ve talked to others about Anakin. No this is you
wanting to claim to be the master of the Chosen one. You KNEW they
wouldn’t agree. And now you’ve filled his head with ideas that
may be crushed, he’s just nine.” Obi-Wan looked away. “…And I
thought we were past the point where you try to leave me behind.”

Qui-Gon stared down at his padawan then wrapped him in his arms. “I
can only apologize for my behavior and promise to do better.”

“Don’t make
promises you won’t keep.” Obi-Wan growled out, tense in the
others arms.

Taking the braid,
he tickled gently at Obi-Wan’s nose with the soft strands to try
and lure a smile out of the other. “You won’t be my padawan for
much longer, I know that I…use it against you but soon it wont be a
thing I can use and you’d be my equal. The bond will…I mean…”
Qui-Gon sighed. “…I didn’t mean to hurt you again Obi-Wan.”

“You never MEAN
to, but you do. I’m sleeping in my old rooms tonight. Do whatever
you want.” Obi-Wan huffed, pulling away. “It shouldn’t be up to
me always to be the one to apologize and forgive. The soulbond won’t
go away. This is our lives. And I can’t always be the floor mat for

Qui-Gon sighed but
nodded. “I know. I know…I just…I’ll try to do better.”

“Master Yoda
says there is no try, good night Master Jinn.” Obi-Wan went to his
room, leaving Qui-Gon feeling bereft in the living room.

“I will
do better…”

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