I know you have A TON of prompts so totally ignore this if you want, but could we pleeaaassse have some more of «only one»? You mentioned how mace/quin would hold obi in their lap to comfort him, I can just see little ani being protective over obi, but kinda confused at the same time? like, he thought mace was an annoying stick in the mud, but he’s making his master feel safe (maybe after that attack when all the council went ‘pirate culling’?). have an awsome day moddy :)

Nosing Obi-Wan’s hair slowly, Anakin thought back to the first time
he had seen Obi-Wan accepting alpha comfort from someone who wasn’t
a childhood friend, after that horrible mission where Obi-Wan had
been taken away by pirates while Anakin was tied up in the cargo


There was an alpha in the quarters.

That was the first flash thought Anakin had as he woke up, sitting up
quick enough to make his joints pop and his back ache despite the
healers having looked over him from the pirates ‘tender’ care of

Forgoing robe and slippers he jerked out of bed and out into the
living room only to freeze again as he spotted Master Windu and
Master Obi-Wan on the couch.

The omega was straddling the alpha’s lap, face pressed into the
crook of the mans neck in only his worn sleep wear and a pair of
fluffy socks that allowed him to keep warm.

Windu’s left arm was settled around Obi-Wan’s waist with his hand
on the redhead’s side with his right one slowly running through his
hair and stroking his nape with what Anakin could only term as tender

The closing of his door drew Windu’s attention and the Korun looked
at him, giving a small nod so not to disturb Obi-Wan. “Padawan
Skywalker.” He murmured quietly.

“Master Windu…” He returned, staring at the other man as he
quietly watched back.

He was about to speak up when the other beat him to the punch.
“Knight Vos, Muln, Eerin and Reeft are not in the temple. I came to
offer my support to Obi-Wan since his childhood friends are not here
to offer that comfort to him.” He kept his voice low and close to a
purr so not to disturb Obi-Wan’s comfortable rest against him.

His omega master’s scent was completely soft with not a lick of
distress unlike when Obi-Wan had been hurt.

“Oh… I’ll just… I’ll go get ready for the day.” Anakin
licked his lips then nodded, slowly backing away then returning to
his room to change clothes.

Logically he knew what was happening.

Master Windu was providing master Obi-Wan with comfort, Obi-Wan was
seeking comfort from a trusted alpha of his pack by curling in close
to be safe, face pressed into the scent gland while receiving
positive touches from the alpha.

But it was Master Windu!

The cold fish that was so disapproving and-and stern and..  

And Obi-Wan trusted him, trusted Windu enough to be completely
vulnerable and unguarded in the alpha’s presence after sever trauma
had been inflicted on him by a band of pirates that had hurt Obi-Wan
in ways Anakin didn’t like even speculating about.

Obi-Wan with blood on his tunics, shaking as he grabbed his padawan,
their sabers on his belt as he limped and guided them to the escape
pods, alarms blaring from Obi-Wan having initiated the ships self
destruction sequence.

He returned to find Obi-Wan nuzzling slowly at Mace neck with quiet

Watching Windu rub his hand down Obi-Wan’s spine, Anakin headed to
the kitchen. “I’ll make a pot of sapir master Windu.” He
offered quietly, hearing the others approval to that.


Loosening his grip on the other and shaking himself from the memory
as Obi-Wan sat up in his lap and rubbed his face slowly, Anakin
smiled at him. “Better?” He questioned quietly.

“Better.” Obi-Wan agreed quietly before running his hands through
his hair to try and get a semblance of order. “But I would like
some food now and tea…” He shifted slowly out of Anakin’s lap,
rubbed Ahsoka’s closest montral lightly and then shuffled off to
the kitchen.

Resisting the urge to follow, Anakin hummed. “Care to put on some
caff too?” He called after and smiled when he got a positive
response before glancing at Ahsoka and nodding lightly towards the

Jumping to her feet, the younger alpha followed the redhead quite
happily, chattering to the still tired master about the things he’d
been missing out on in her life like a sparring match she won against
Zett Jukassa.

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