Clones reaction to Obi-Wan «dying» )(from that one arc where he fakes his death) please?

The clip kept repeating.

The grainy clips cobbled together from surveillance cams around the
alley, roofs and buildings where the incident happened.

General Kenobi barely avoiding the first shot, the Jedi following the
sniper up on the roof, Commander Tano ground side and following with
General Skywalker and Kenobi in pursuit.

Seeking shelter to avoid being hit.

The little lull of calm before the storm before Obi-Wan stepped out
into the open, looking around for the sniper that had shot at them
and then-

Cody couldn’t suppress squeezing down on his own arms when the shot
connected or the full body flinch as the Jedi tumbled over the edge
and fell, hitting the ground where the Commander touched him and
lifted him up into her lap, Skywalker trying to catch the sniper

Skywalker jumping down from the roof when he couldn’t catch the
sniper after the smoke bomb but honestly perhaps he hadn’t been
trying that hard with Kenobi already down, just wanting to return to
assess conditions.

Tano looking up, eyes wide with Obi-Wan’s upper body in her lap as
she stroked his hair.

Skywalker kneeling down, shaking the redhead by the shoulders as
emergency service came, clone troopers of Coruscant herding civilians
away and medical transport arriving and…

The commander shuddered quietly as the clip rewinded and started
playing again, the same grainy images once again.

He’d seen this eight times now and each time he would flinch.
Around him the rest of the 212th sat quietly, Waxer in
Boil’s lap with his arm tightly wrapped around his vod, Gus with
his own arms wrapped around himself, Longshot with his fists

All the vode in different states of reactions as they were unable to
look away from the screen of their General falling.

Their General had fallen, their General was gone and they were now
without a Jedi they had sworn to protect and stars it hurt so badly.

“…They brought the perp to jail. Skywalker managed to catch him.”
Killer whispered, lips swollen and red from being gnawed on hard. “We
could just g-”

“We’re not going to confront him.” Cody’s voice came like a

“Commander!” Killer stared at him as a few of the vode of the
212th turned to him with angry expressions. Waxer just hid
his face Boil’s neck, shuddering heavily as he did.

“We’re going to stay here and wait for reassignment and do our
duty because that’s what our General would have wanted.” Cody
adam apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, chewing on the bitter words
as he breathed. “…That’s what our General would have wanted for
us to let the justice system do its job with his killer and we’re
going to respect his memory and do that.” He managed to get out,
voice thick.

Killer closed his eyes tightly at that before nodding sharply.

They waited for ages to get reassigned.

And then their General came back…

Cody didn’t know whether to punch him or kiss him and neither did
anyone else of the vode.

But he was back.

And he was quietly asking for forgiveness in the way he went out of
his way to make things better for his men as he could.

The hurt was going to take time to get over but… they had their
General back.

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