That art of Obi-wan in Leia’s slave outfit is hot. Could we see Obi-wan undercover as a slave and Rex also undercover as Obi-wan’s owner or having to come to his rescue? Rex/Obi-wan please!

“He has quite the mouth on him, if he
was mine I’d have him begging for mercy by now.” The slaver
growled and Obi-Wan pushed slightly back into Rex leg while averting
his eyes to the ground, feeling his stomach squirm unpleasantly.

A hand gripped his hair, pulling his
head back a bit with enough force to provoke a tiny whimper from him
by the tight grip.

“He’s a pleasure slave, whatever
punishment I deem fitting for him can come later.” Rex growled out
in return, his hand holding onto Obi-Wan’s hair. “If its all the
same to you, I prefer him unscarred for his job.” He snapped before
letting go.

Obi-Wan let his head drop instantly
while inwardly cursing the Council for putting him in this situation.

Of course the information they had
gotten was valuable but it was humiliating walking around in only a
sheer red loin clothes with golden decorations.

‘At least Anakin’s not here to see
me like this. Or see me be treated like this either.’ Obi-Wan mused
as Rex pressed his head to the troopers knee, Obi-Wan going willingly
as the man played with his copper hair.

A quick shave had prevented anyone from
recognizing him as General Kenobi, Jedi but Force was it awkward to
have his face bare after so many years with it.

‘And I have Rex. I get to spend time
sleeping in the same bed as him.’ He thought, nuzzling the knee

“Well well, at least he’s docile
for you.” The slaver griped.

Rex hand tensed on Obi-Wan’s hair
again. “He is mine. As I told you. I’m not selling him regardless
what price you offer me. I know his value.” The man snapped in

The slaver snorted but Obi-Wan could
feel the gaze on him, the man obviously taking in lean muscles and
copper hair while ignoring pale scars on Obi-Wan’s body.

Force it was odd to be considered a
valuable commodity of all things.

Just something to be sold.

A shiver went through his frame at the
idea of being sold away as a bed slave and he made a firm note in the
back of his mind to talk to Anakin if anything of that nature had
happened to him. From what he knew, Anakin had only been owned by
Gardulla and Watto but what if…

Force he almost couldn’t stomach the
thought, Anakin was nine when he was found.

He yipped a bit in surprise as he was
suddenly pushed away from Rex knee, the man standing and Obi-Wan
looking up in surprise.

“I’m retiring for the night, I have
more entertaining things to do then drinking with you.” Rex
sneered, lip curling. Force, the holo projector giving him slightly
different features were really weird but so far no one had identified
him as a clone. “With me pet.” He snapped and Obi-Wan scrambled
to his feet, bare feet padding over the cold floor as he followed
submissively behind the captain.

The moment the door slid closed behind
them and the lock engaged, Rex dropped all pretenses and turned to
wrap Obi-Wan in a hug, hand running apologetic over his hair. “I am
so sorry.” He whispered.

“Its fine, we must play our roles.”
Obi-Wan whispered, tucking closer into the other man.

They had disengaged and broken the
surveillance bugs in the suite they had rented on the first day and
felt safe enough be themselves behind the locked door.

“Still, I know you have a tender
scalp, me pulling on it won’t make it any better.” He leaned in
and nuzzled his stubbly cheek against the smooth one of his Jedi.
“…Okay that will not stop being weird.” Rex chuckled.

Obi-Wan hummed then caught Rex by the
collar of his shirt to give him a soft kiss. “Well, they’re
expecting some noises since we retired early.” He grinned, cocking
his head.

“We don’t have t-”

up Rex and warm me up, this outfit does not provide me with much
warmth and the only good part about this mission has been the time
I’ve gotten to spend with you.” Obi-Wan whispered, hand going to
the others belt to turn of the projector, getting the amber eyes of
his lover back.

Rex softened and smiled, drawing
Obi-Wan back towards the bed by his hands until his knees hit it. He
sat down and drew the other into his lap, finally letting go to
loosen the fastenings of the loin cloth. “Well then…I’ll make
sure they hear you.” His eyes flared with heat and Obi-Wan felt his
pulse quicken as he leaned in, arms wrapping around the others

“Make me scream Rex.” He whispered
huskily, feeling warm hands run along his thighs.

“As my Jedi wishes.”

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