Obi wan is injured so they decide to test the theory of putting an injured vod on him to make him sit still

So admittedly, putting Trapper on their General had worked out a lot
better then Cody expected and Helix, while disapproving of moving
injured patients had seen the good in it when they managed to keep
the injured Jedi in bed and actually sleep for several hours.

Said man even seemed to enjoy it, cuddling Trapper as if he was a
giant plush of some kind.

It lasted about as long as Trapper needed to be in bed which honestly
wasn’t that long.

And then Obi-Wan was gone too.

Cody found him doing work on the bridge, bandages peeking out from
the collar of his tunic and tea in hand.

He gave one long look to Longshot, who shrugged in return before
everyone went back to work as usual.

Stubborn jetii who didn’t know when to stop and rest.

At least he managed to get the man to eat. By setting a tray in his
lap on the bridge and standing in front of him with his arms crossed
across his chest.



Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows then nodded, reluctantly putting aside
his datapad before starting to eat. The more of the plate disappeared
into the other man, the more Cody relaxed until the entire tray was
gone. “Good, now please go back to bed sir.”

“No, I have work to do, now Cody, th-”

And so the days went.

Cody was ready to tear his short hair out with loud groans. Did other
vod’s have this much trouble getting their General’s to rest!?


“Fives, I’m not sure we should do this.”

“We’re suppose to wake him. General Skywalker doesn’t wake for
anything less then a bomb shell or a threat.”

“But ice water?”

“It was that or sand.”

“…Okay we pour the sand on him. I’m rather facing Kix wrath
then his wrath for the sand.”


“Sorry Boil!” That was all the warning the clone trooper got, or
anyone really, before Cody scooped him out of the field bed and
quickly jogged over to the one Kenobi was in, dropping him on
Obi-Wan’s chest.

“Cody!” Obi-Wan growled a bit and Boil made confused noises while
looking at everyone and then at Waxer for explanation.

“Oh no, this worked with Trapper, its going to work with Boil.”
Cody glared then looked at Boil. “Last time the General was
injured, I placed Trapper in bed with him. We got him to STAY in bed
and sleep because of Trapper. Now you’re injured, you’re staying
in this bed with the General.”

“…Oh. Okay, that makes sense, Trapper mention that.” Boil
grunted a bit and then, high on painkillers as he was, wrapped his
arms around Obi-Wan’s waist and pushed his face into the General’s

The cherry on the top was when he shoved his uninjured leg between
Obi-Wan and then firmly had the Jedi pinned down.

The Jedi in question’s eyes bugged a bit out in surprise, staring
down at Boil and even Cody blinked a bit as Waxer sniggered quietly.

“He’s a cuddler.” Waxer explained, settling down on a chair at
the bed to pet Boil’s head.

“…His mustache kind of tickles.” Obi-Wan cleared his throat,
reluctantly relaxing with a warm body against him just like last

“Yeah, it does that, its not so bad though. I imagine your beard
does the same.”

“It does.” Trapper confirmed while limping past, having been
looked over by Kix. All he really wanted was to get out of his armor
and blacks for a bit, shower and get dressed in a clean black and his
armor again.

Obi-Wan sighed then settled down, slowly drowsing since he wasn’t
going anywhere as it was. He couldn’t help but quirk a smile. ‘Wait
til Anakin learns how they’re getting me to rest.’

In the camp of the 501 there was a moment of quiet…and
then hell broke out.

“FIIIIIIIIIIIIVES!!!” Came the roar of General Skywalker.

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