Hi! Your work is amazing! Btw Happy late birthday! So…. I love Twin Suns, and I’d like to know what ends up happenning on Nabbo. Does the Council follows Ben’s warnings? Or they don’t?

Quick steps sounded through the halls as a blond practically ran
through them, beaming in glee, a long braid trailing behind his ears
announcing his status as padawan of the Jedi order as he closed in on
the Archives.

Right outside it he slowed his pace and straightened his clothes
quickly before strolling in with his smile still on his face as he
looked around for another padawan.

“Padawan Skywalker, I see you’re back.” He quickly turned and
bowed to the Master of the Archives. “Master Nu.”

The woman raised her eyebrow at him then snorted. “If you are
looking for Ben, he’s putting away the borrowed datapads right now.
He should be in the historical section, reading.”

Anakin straightened at that and blinked. “I thought you said he

They both shared a small smile.

His brother was easy to distract even when he was working, always
wanting to read about history, culture and language. Anakin was sure
Ben knew more languages then any other Jedi in the order by now.

He headed for the historical section, grinning more and more when he
started to feel Ben’s Force signature. It felt relaxed and halfway
healthy, that was good, a better day then usually then.

And there he was.

Anakin stopped a few moments to take his twin in.

Ben was leaning against the ladder the Archivists used to climb up
and down, reading through a datapad with the trolley beside him,
several datapads still on it. His clothes were immaculate and his
braid was in his mouth, being chewed on as Ben read with great
interest in his green eyes. His white and silver mechanical hand held
the pad as he scrolled through it with his flesh fingers though
Anakin noted he seemed to have lost a bit of weight since last he saw

As if aware he was being watched, Ben looked up quickly only to beam
when he saw Anakin, putting the pad down and hurrying towards him.
“Anakin, you’re back.”

“Yup.” He wrapped his arms around his skinny twin and hugged him.
“You’re looking good.” He offered despite the weight lost. “You
got color in your cheeks.”

Ben stepped back and grimaced a bit before nodding. “The healers
have me on a new medicine run. Its experimental but so far it seems
to be working. It tastes horrid but if it continues to work, Healer
Che says they’ll put it in capsule form for me.”

“Any words on what they think you have?”

Ben just shrugged and looked at the time before smiling. “Its lunch
time, I think I can ask master for a bit of to go have it with you.”

“Sounds good to me Ben.”

The two started walking side by side to find Ben’s master, talking
quietly to each other about what Anakin and Ben had been up to in the
blonds absence from the temple.

It still amazed Anakin how far they had come, from Tatooine and his
mother worry about Ben even surviving to be a teen and Ben stumbling
around at home to space and Coruscant.

And Naboo…Force, he was glad his Master came back from that!

Qui-Gon had looked a little worse for wear but he, Knight Feemor and
Knight Vos had handled a Sith, an actual Sith on Naboo, taking him
into custody.

Not to mention how R2D2 and Ric Oliê had managed to get the droid
ship shut down.

There had been a lot of loss of life though, but now both the Gungan
and the Naboo worked together, they were both represented in Naboo’s
pod at the Senate.

“You shouldn’t think about her so much.” Ben suddenly offered

“I like her. She’s…”

“She’s gorgeous. I know. But we…can’t go that way Anakin.”
Ben looked at him then smiled. “Our futures are not set in stone.
But I can only foresee pain if you should pursue that path.”

Anakin looked away then back at the redhead. “Are you sure?”

Ben let out a small sigh, stopping and taking Anakin’s hands in
his, squeezing gently. “You’ve always believed me before Anakin.
Would I lie about this?” He offered quietly.

“…No. I just…she’s…”

“She is someone you have not seen or spoken to in years. She’s a
Senator and has family on Naboo. If you do what I see you do in the
future…then only doom follows the both of you.” He looked down
and Anakin frowned a bit before lifting both their hands to raise
Ben’s chin to look at him. “And you? What happens to you Ben if I
do it?”

“…I’m not a healthy man Anakin. And I am Jedi.” His younger
twin offered and a cold sensation went down Anakin’s spine at the
words. “I will never reveal your secrets Anakin. But it would
destroy us all in the end.”

Pulling the other teen closer, Anakin wrapped his arms around the
slight frame. “No. No that’s not happening. What do I…have to

“…Don’t marry her Anakin.” Ben whispered into his shoulder.
“Find the middle path, be able to let go of her if the need arises
but love her if it makes you happy…and for Force sake, use
protection.” Now Ben sounded annoyed and Anakin let out a small
laugh despite the chill down his back.

“I see you two are snuggling in the hall.” The two broke apart
and Ben quickly bowed for Master Windu, the Korun looking between

Anakin bowed a second later before answering. “Ben was just telling
me about something for the future I should be aware off.”

“I see…anything the Council should be aware of Padawan Ben?”
Mace focused sharp eyes on the redhead.

Ben tilted his head a bit, peering at him in return. “You should
keep an eye on Master Dooku… the future around him grows groggy.
And perhaps the Jedi should consider that their popularity with the
public is in decline…that we should be more open to the public and
have them see us in a kind light.” He smiled.

Mace and Anakin blinked at the redhead before Mace nodded slowly. “I
will…bring it for the Council.” He hesitated a bit, frowning at
Ben. “Are you well padawan Ben?”

“I have new medicines to try. They might improve my health. Or so
Master and Healer Che hopes. Che likes a challenge.” Ben laughed
quietly then looked at his brother when the blonds stomach growled.
“Forgive us master Windu, we were on the way to get lunch.”

“Then don’t let me stop you.” Mace stepped out of the way to
let them move on ahead.

“…I like how they have to refer to us by our names since they
can’t call us both padawan Skywalker when we’re together.”
Anakin sniggered softly after a few moments.

Ben just hummed and leaned against his brother side, taking in the
comfort of him close.

Still the future felt muddled.

Ben wondered if he had made any changes today.

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