AU where Obi-Wan is assigned to the Agricorps, but is first stolen by a Sith. The temple assumes he ran away. Dooku is charged with finding a darksider, but finds a tortured Obi-wan. Dooku, impressed by Obi-Wan’s strength, takes him as a padawan.

Marching into the temple, Yan Dooku kept his head held high as he
moved with firm steps and a slight arrogance that was almost to
familiar to those who knew him despite being a Jedi. However the
older man suddenly stopped and turned, peering behind himself with a
small frown as if he had lost something.

“Padawan!” He called out sharply to several Jedi’s surprise.
Yan Dooku had a padawan, after swearing he’d never again have one
after Qui-Gon Jinn?

Since when, didn’t he just return from being sent out on a

A boy, dressed in slightly ragged but clean Initiate clothes and a
poncho over that hurried to Dooku’s side, several bacta patches
covering his face as he moved to the mans side with a limp. “Yes
Master!” He smiled up at the man.

“Isn’t that Kenobi?” A knight whispered to their friend.
“Didn’t he run away from the Agricorps?”

“Doesn’t look like he ran away as much as perhaps was grabbed…he
looks like his face went through the trasher.” The other whispered
back, watching Dooku carefully rest a hand on the boys shoulder and
move at a slower pace then he had in the start, guiding the redhead

The touch was almost gentle looking as was the pace that the older
Jedi now had, Obi-Wan limping away beside him.


“I found him in the cells there and rescued him. After a few
questions I learned that Obi-Wan was suppose to go to the Agricorps
but I have decided he is now my padawan.” Dooku offered blandly and
raised his eyebrow at the council while keeping Obi-Wan at his side a
careful hand. “Other then that I lost my trail on the Fallen but
Obi-Wan has already described him as a dark haired man with a
circular scar on his cheek.”

Beside Dooku, Qui-Gon finally jerked too in realization as to why he
was in the room, though he had been busy staring at the boy who had
wanted to be his padawan.

When he heard that he had supposedly run away…

Well his thoughts hadn’t been kind precisely.

Now that same boy stood with his former master, leaning slightly
against Yan’s side with bacta patches on his face. Something told
Qui-Gon that if it wasn’t for Yan, the boys clothes would have been
quite bloody.

“You think it was Xanatos?” He broke in quickly.

“More then likely yes. But that’s only my suspicion and Obi-Wan
did not see more then the dark hair and circular scar, the other
features were covered up.” Dooku glanced down at the boy and gave a
small half smile. “Considering he must have been half blind from
the blood in his eyes, its impressive enough.”

Obi-Wan looked up at him, struggling to hold in his pride at his
Master’s words. Someone found him enough, someone found him capable
and strong and…and wanted to make him a Jedi!

“To be his master you wish to?” Yoda’s ears were twitching,
watching all his carefully laid plans being broken.

He knew there was no way he could talk Yan out of taking Obi-Wan and
he felt a strong tug inside him, the strong bond he knew Qui-Gon and
Obi-Wan could have had falling apart in the Force already.

“Yes. Obi-Wan is capable, he’s skilled, he follows direction well
and Force forbid me, I don’t understand why this boy was sent of to
the Agricorps at all. He’s going to make a marvelous Jedi Knight.”
Yan favored Obi-Wan with one of those rare smiles Qui-Gon remembered
from his own apprenticeship. “He has some to learn, much to learn,
but I can teach him that.” He pulled Obi-Wan in front of him, hands
gentle on the boys shoulders.

The council looked between each other, some of them looking more then
pleased to see the boy back among them.

“Then so it shall be. Obi-Wan Kenobi is now your padawan Master
Dooku.” Mace quirked a small smile. “Welcome back to the order
young Kenobi. I look forward to seeing your future missions with your

Obi-Wan blinked then stood a bit straighter. Yet he couldn’t help
the wide grin that crossed his face, pulling on the bacta patches on
his face. “I won’t let anyone down Master Windu!”


“Well Yan, you’re lucky, I can fix his ankle.” Che carefully
used healing Force on the ankle.

“I’m lucky?” Yan raised a brow as he observed his new padawan
on the examination bed.

“Yes because if you honestly took him to a council meeting before
taking him to the Halls and he suffered permanently from it, I’d be
forced to surgically attach your hands to your ass and your head to
your crotch.” She sniffed and smirked a bit when Obi-Wan struggled
to hide an outraged little giggle.

“I see, I will endeavor to bring him to the Halls sooner next

“You should, Padawan Kenobi has a history of getting properly
injured as an Initiate.” She smirked at him before focusing on the
ankle again. “Mostly from doing lightsaber forms he was not ready
for but also some minor shuffles.”

“Something I will be speaking to him about.” Yan promised before
giving Obi-Wan a reassuring smile so the other knew he wasn’t
annoyed at him. He had a feeling that Obi-Wan was not the one to
initiate those shuffles as much as the one to end them.

“Masters?” A healer stood at the door, with a padawan braid and a
set of clothes in his arms. “Someone requested me to bring a
humanoid padawan uniform?” He lifted the clothes.

Yan stepped forward and took it. “Yes, thank you padawan. You may
leave now.” He turned and smiled slightly at Obi-Wan’s excited
eyes. “Yes, this is your uniform.”

“…Thank you Master.” Obi-Wan whispered, staring at the other,
excitement thrumming through him and Yan smiled a bit wider.

He was going to train this promising spark in the Force and make him
a great duelist and negotiator. Qui-Gon would always be his first
padawan, a huge success for all his faults and mistakes.

But Obi-Wan would be his greatest accomplishment.

And in a moments flash, a young knight of twenty five smiled at him
from the examination bed, with a strong jawline and a winning smile.

Yes, Obi-Wan would be his best student.

But for now he was a thirteen year old in need of a shower and clean

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