Obi wan has visions when he was a child what if they start again during the clone wars and right in front of the clones?

One moment he had been fine.

General Kenobi had been resting for once, on his back near the fire
on a bedroll, one arm across his stomach and the other resting along
his side as he breathed slowly and steadily.

And then something in the air had changed, like a electric current
that seemed to catch both General Skywalker and Commander Tano’s
attention, the latter looking puzzled in her conversation with
Captain Rex while the former frowned in worry, taking two steps
towards the fire.

All in vain as the General suddenly sat up with a dying cry on his
lips, green eyes wide and unseeing into the dark before he drew his
knees to his chest, one hand covering his mouth as he closed his eyes
sharply, his breath coming in sharp burst.

The younger knight made quick work of the rest of his steps and knelt
down, hand reached towards the man shoulder but not actually
touching. “Obi-Wan, its alright, its alright whatever you saw,
you’re not there, you’re here with me.” He talked in a calm,
soothing voice.

Rex looked to Ahsoka for clarification. “Force Vision.” She
mouthed back and frowned at the Jedi Master in worry.

“Anakin?” The older man whispered roughly. “Oh…good…you
still have most of your limbs…”

“Yeah, yeah I do. Can you tell me where you are?” Anakin
swallowed down his worry to smile at him, resting his hand on the
others shoulder.

“…Virlon. Virlon VII, one of the minor moons of the cluster.
Camp. With our troops.” Obi-Wan breathed out and rubbed his face
slowly. “I…kriff.”

“You should try sleeping some more Obi-Wan. You look tired, I can
even help you along if you want.” Anakin shifted his hand and
pressed it against the others chest until he was laying down, Obi-Wan
breathing out and nodding. “Okay? Good. Sleep.”

The older General was out like a light again, his face strained even
in sleep compared to his earlier moments.

“Skyguy, shouldn’t you have asked him about his vision?” Ahsoka
asked hesitantly as Anakin drew the covers up around the man.

“I’m not going to force him Ahsoka and I wasn’t joking. He’s needed
to sleep for a while. Commander Cody.” He turned to the commander
and the trooper instantly snapped to attention.


“Obi-Wan is going to be disoriented when he wakes. Vision tends to
leave him…less then cognitive. Ensure he eats and doesn’t suddenly
wander of, fetch me if he requests me, regardless what I’m doing.”

“Yes sir…sir is this common? I’ve never…” Cody rubbed his
hands together.

“It used to be. Obi-Wan was always prone to visions but stopped a
few years before the war began. Thought he might not be getting
anymore.” Anakin took a deep breath then stood. “Make no mention
to anyone until I’ve had a chance to talk to him, vision can leave
Jedi’s…addled for a while.” He nodded and stepped back, heading
back to what he had been doing before.

Cody hesitated, watching both Commander and General before moving to
his General’s side and settling down by the bedside, shifting until
he could raise the Jedi’s head into his lap, stroking his thumb over
the furrowed brows until they smoothed out.

“…Boil, make sure there’s a tray ready for when he wakes. Waxer,
you’re better at making tea. Please get the red, I have a canister of
it in my bunk.” He murmured quietly.

“I got one too sir, don’t worry.” Waxer beamed at him and went to
boil water.

“Everyone has a canister of red tea.” Boil grumbled before
getting to go scrounge up some proper food for the Jedi that wasn’t a

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