Quinlan and old Ben being friends. Quinlan flirts gently and takes him on walks and braids Ben’s hair. He doesn’t mind old Ben being a little crazy.

“Knock knock!” Quinlan called out cheerfully, balancing back and
forth on his heels. “Rise and shine for a new day of my delightful
company.” He grinned happily, ignoring the disapproval he could
feel behind him from other Jedi’s.

There was a small shuffle and then the door opened, Ben standing
there with a small smile on his face. “Quinlan, I did not know you
were coming, if I had known I would have prepared breakfast for two.”

“You remembered to eat? And don’t worry, I already had breakfast.”
Quinlan beamed as he stepped in, pausing when Ben stopped to think
before nodding.

“…You sure?”

“Yes, yes I had fruits and oats. Simple but good. I was going to
make tea, unless there was something important you wanted me to do?”

“No, nothing important just now. I just came to keep you company, I
came back from my mission yesterday.” He sat down on Ben’s couch as
the man moved to the kitchen. “And I could really like a cup of
tea.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Ben chuckled quietly. “I have nothing stronger to add to it
Quinlan. I’m not allowed alcohol yet or healer Che would have my
head.” He carefully filled the pot with a bit more water before
closing the tap and setting it to boil.

“Ah but you’re plenty strong for me Ben.” The kiffar beamed as a
slight flush rose to Ben’s cheek and the older man shook his head,
smiling at him. “Its not nice to tease a old man.”

“Old? I see no old man, only a viral man in his prime.” Quinlan
bounced to his feet and moved to give Ben a light hug, smiling when
the other instantly melted against him and dropped his head on
Quinlan’s shoulder, soft white strands of hair tickling his chin.

“Hey, want me to braid this for you? I don’t mind you know.” The
knight slowly ran a broad hand over the soft strands.

“That would be nice. I was going to do it myself but I haven’t
gotten that far.” Ben hummed quietly and let Quinlan guide him to
the couch to sit down, the kiffar quickly fetching both brush and a
hair tie from the fresher.

The kiffar carefully worked out the few tangles that were and started
braiding as they waited for the kettle to whistle, making sure not to
braid to tightly and give the other a headache. “How about after
tea, we head out to the gardens, you like the greenery I know,
perhaps even ask if we could get some saplings for your room.”

Ben hummed quietly and Quinlan tied of the braid before getting up as
the kettle whistled. “I’ll fetch the tea.” He gave a gentle
squeeze to the others shoulder and left quickly to steep the tea and
serve it.

He returned to find Ben watching the wall with a empty look in his
eyes and sighed inwardly as he set his cup down on the coffee table
before taking one of Ben’s callused hands into his own and pressing
the cup into it. “Ben?”

“Mmmn? Oh! Tea, yes, splendid.” The man settled against Quinlan
and held the cup between his hands, relaxing slowly as he started
sipping the warm liquid. “Mmmn, sapir.”

Quinlan petted the others hair before taking a sip and grimacing, tea
would never be his favorite.

“I like it better here.” Ben suddenly mused, snuggling more
against the others side.


“Mmmn, more friends, less sith.” Ben gave him a bland smile then
took a new sip.

“Did you fight a lot of sith then?” That was frankly a horrifying
thought. Fallen, darkened Jedi’s were bad enough when they attacked
people, not to mention rogue Force users. But actual trained sith?

“Sith after Sith. I fought, I defended, I killed…and then I was
the only one left.” Ben blinked slowly into his cup. “Only Jedi

Quinlan swallowed before setting his cup down and wrapping his arm
around Ben. “How about we take that walk to the garden. Fresh air
would do us both good and I could use some fresh air that didn’t
involve me being shot at.” He beamed warmly.

“What about the tea?” Ben blinked at him.

“There’s not a lot left, sip it up and then we can go.” Quinlan

“Only because its you Quinlan, tea is suppose to be savored.” The older man rolled his eyes and
took a bigger sip to empty his cup before setting it aside. The
knight beamed and stood, offering his arm to the man. “Sire, if
you’ll come with me, I’ll escort you to the gardens.” He added
poshly, as if he was talking to a dignitary.

Ben laughed quietly. “Why young knight, you honor me.” He
carefully got a hold of the arm and looped his into the corner of it
once he was standing, curling himself into the younger mans side.
“Well then…gardens.”

“Gardens.” Quinlan nodded happily.

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