She could complain all she wanted but Qui-Gon had seen Asajj’s
interested and greedy look to the little present for her under the

And Maul’s and Savage too.

Obi-Wan had gotten wide eyes when Qui-Gon had told him that Yan was
bringing presents for Lifeday and then had started vibrating all over
the mansion, the lad running himself in circles to make presents for

Qui-Gon had offered to make it simple, give the boy credits and take
him to market so he could find presents.

But Obi-Wan had insisted. His gifts were to come from him and to be
made by hand like he was used to.

He had asked for materials though, colorful papers, glue, glitter,
clay, fabric. What the eight year old had in mind Qui-Gon had no idea
but a quick squeeze of his own had told him it was soft.

Savage had even managed to get a large tree into the house that he
and Obi-Wan together had decorated with Lifeday decorations provided
by the Count himself. A quick conversation with said man had
confirmed that he had to buy them for the occasion and he had gruffly
told Qui-Gon not to let this go to Obi-Wan’s head.

How his little imp had managed to wrap everyone around his finger
Qui-Gon had no idea but it was impressive as everyone slid a present
for Obi-Wan under the tree at some point. Said redhead was busily
running back and forth like a energized beam of sun, switching
between crawling into Yan’s lap and hugging him and then running
around the room and into Qui-Gon’s lap.

“Ouf!” He gave a surprised breath as said ball of sunshine jumped
into Qui-Gon’s lap, beaming up at him with wide eyes. “Obi-Wan…”

“Sorry! Excited! There’s so many presents and look at all the
colors and the food smells really good!” The child bounced on his
knees and Qui-Gon shook his head and shot Maul a glare over the
redhead as he hugged him. “I believe we gave you to much sugar
little imp.”

“You don’t say.” Yan snorted quietly before smiling as Obi-Wan
squirmed out of Qui-Gon’s lap again and ran around the table. Asajj
snorted and poured herself another drink under Qui-Gon’s watchful
gaze, he had already warned both Maul and Asajj what he’d do if they
became actually drunk.

There may be a few things he couldn’t shield Obi-Wan from, but drunk
sith apprentices would be one of them.

Obi-Wan suddenly threw himself at Savage with something in his hands
and climbed the large Zebrak like he was a tree, beaming when he
reached the mans shoulders. “Savage! Help me hang the mistletoe!”

Asajj choked on her drink and spat it out in shock.

Savage grunted before nodding and moving with the child on his
shoulders towards a doorway, a small smirk wounding itself over his
face as Asajj glared at him.

Qui-Gon was tempted to laugh until the mistletoe was hanging and
Obi-Wan promptly pecked Savage on the cheek.

This was going to be a loooong night.

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