I love all your stories! I am hoping you don’t mind me combining some past prompts into a new one! I’d love to see Always-Winged-Obi getting captured by baddies after his wings/feathers (maybe they’re plucking him?) rescued by Jango (KaminoAU) or Anakin or both! Thank you for all the great fics!

“I don’t like you and if it wasn’t for Obi-Wan I would have shoved
you off the nearest building without your jet-pack.” Jango slowly
looked up from where he had a knee in his targets back to the
glowering twenty year old in the end of the alley.

“Nice to know we stand on the same page Skywalker.” He drawled
while cuffing the Twi’lek under him. “Not sure why you came out of
the temple for that though.” He smirked at the other.

The fresh knight glowered harder and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Because like you or not, you care about Obi-Wan and he’s missing.
The council is refusing me information, some undercover thing but
he’s in trouble, I know it.”

Jango felt his smirk drop at that and he straightened, staring at the
other. “Trouble…wait, undercover? He has kriffing giant wings,
one of the few beings in the galaxy from what is known and he’s

Anakin grimaced and shrugged. “Cloaking devices to keep them
hidden, I don’t know. But he hasn’t reported in for three days now,
that I do know and that’s not like my former Master at all.”

Jango stood slowly, staring at the blond before growling quietly.
“Not like him at all. Fine Skywalker, you’ve ensured my service for
free.” He turned his coms on. “Boba, track these coordinates, you
and Bossk have to make the final delivery.”

He finally turned back to Skywalker. “Alright, what’s Obi-Wan’s
last known location?”


Obi-Wan jerked weakly at the chains keeping his hands to the floor,
ignoring how the cuffs bit into his wrists as the pain from his back
was more pronounced then his wrists were anyhow.

He had been stupid, of course someone was going to notice how the air
shimmer behind him each time his wings moved. Of course someone was
going to catch on, how many kriffing humanoids were walking around
with wings on their back.

He still hadn’t expected the drugs in his drink until it had been to
late and his Force sense had been fully closed of even as he tried to

One sharp blow to his head had bought him down and when Obi-Wan woke
blindfolded, he had been restrained on his knees, straps over his
calves keeping him down with cuffs at his wrists that connected to
the floor. And a strange kind of ache in his stomach that got worse
if Obi-Wan shifted.

But worst was the hooks in his wings that pulled his wings and body
backwards, keeping him upright, the pain both from where the hooks
had penetrated and the pulling of the joints of his wings keeping him
from proper sleep.

Obi-Wan dropped his head forward, he was a damn well seasoned knight
turned master, how had they gotten the damn jump on him like this. Oh
right, he had no one to watch his back this time and had relied on
the cloaking technology to keep him safe, like a rookie knight and
was therefor drugged up with Force suppressant and drugs to keep him
as docile as possible.

There was the sound of a swishing door and Obi-Wan gritted his teeth
as steps moved closer to him. “I see your still alive Jedi, good.
Lets make sure you remain alive.” There was a small thump and then
the thing at his stomach was jerked a bit, making Obi-Wan grit his
teeth harder. “What is…that?”

“Food Jedi! If we want to keep your wings healthy, we need to keep
you alive. That’s what the stomach tube is there for.” Obi-Wan
blinked then hissed as a strange spasming started inside his stomach,
making him want to curl together despite the hooks in his wings.

“And while that’s going on, lets get to work.” The Jedi barely
registered the sounds of the man moving around again until there was
firm grip on his left wing and then a horrible ripping sensation that
had him screeching in pain.

“Hmm, these are strong. But then again that’s good for you when
flying.” The man chuckled cruelly as Obi-Wan tried to focus past
the pounding of blood in his ears. “Less good right now.” A new
grip and then fresh wave of tearing pain until it was all Obi-Wan
could focus on as he thrashed in his restraints, tears soaking into
the fabric of the blindfold.

He collapsed forward when the man let go of him, panting harshly as
he hung limply.

Molting had never hurt like this. Breaking bones had never hurt like

Perhaps the lack of Force was the catalyst for the pain. But hurt it

He welcomed the dark if only to escape the pain for a while.

Yet Obi-Wan woke to the same darkness and a dull thumping pain that
originated from his back as he slowly shuffled back enough to take
his weight of his wings. He was alone from what he could tell and
there was a fresh batch of suppressant in his system, most likely
from the feeding tube he could now recognize was stuck in his

Obi-Wan shifted and rubbed his head on his own shoulder, ignoring the
pain until he could work the blindfold of, looking around the empty
room slowly as he took in the grey durasteel cell he was contained
in, makeshift chains connected to the ceiling obviously added in to
keep him contained.

He avoided looking at his stomach, not wanting to see the tube as he
tried to wiggle his hands out of the cuffs only for them to dig
further into his skin. He then worked on the straps keeping his legs
contained and growled quietly as they wouldn’t give either.

Hours started to pass as Obi-Wan sank himself into meditation,
wishing he could reach the Force. Well at least he could reach some
inner peace, some calm.

His mouth was dry as the desert by the time he surfaced from his
meditation and his head throbbed faintly.

He wondered what was happening back home, it was sure to be past his
scheduled check-in point. Was anyone worried?

Oh who was he kidding, Anakin was sure to be worried. But did Jango

He rather hoped not, he wouldn’t want to worry the other man.

‘Then again…’ Obi-Wan thought dryly. ‘Jango would know how to get
out of this somehow.’ He let meditation sweep him under again, trying
to work the drugs out of his system. Only moments later he was jerked
out of it when he heard the sound of blaster fire followed by

A rescue.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes tightly and tried to shift himself up. He
wondered who the Council had sent and hoped Anakin wasn’t among them,
if only to spare his former padawan the sight of Obi-Wan.

Of course if wishes were fishes…

The door swished open and there his freshly knighted padawan stood,
the man turning pale in shock before hurrying forward. “Obi-Wan! Oh
sweet Force your wings…” He knelt down, slicing his lightsaber
through the middle of the cuffs first and then the straps at his calves. The young
man cupped his Master’s cheek with one hand, trying to give a
soothing smile.

Obi-Wan smiled back. “Not the kind of mission I wished were you
first knighting ones…rescuing your former master.” He chuckled
painfully. “Apologies Anakin, this was not how I wanted you to find

“Oh shut up. Lets…oh…your wings…” Anakin stared at the
plucked left wing before getting up. “We need to get the hooks
out…I…I don’t have anything to numb the pain with Obi-Wan.”

“I do.” A gruff voice and Obi-Wan closed his eyes as he
recognized it. “…Jango.”

“Fool Jetii.” The man growled as he marched over, pulling a
hypospray from his belt and handing it to Anakin. “That one, give
it five minutes and then work the hooks out. I’ll get the cuffs fully
of him.” He knelt down and took Obi-Wan’s hands, teeth gritting as
he took note of the raw scrubbed skin beneath the durasteel.

Obi-Wan covered Jango’s hands with his own and raised them to his
lips, pressing a soft kiss to them. “Thank you…I know you and
Anakin…well…so thank you.”

“…Fool Jedi. I’d work with Mace Windu himself to get you back.”
Jango murmured then pressed a kiss to the others temple, glancing at
the wings over the Jedi’s shoulder as Anakin waited for the hypospray
to start working. “Your wing…”

“Shh, they’ll grow back. Skin will heal, feathers will regrow and
pain will be left behind.” Obi-Wan murmured and slumped a bit as
the painkiller started to work through his system. “But I’d really
appreciate you two getting me lose and home.”

“Home.” Jango agreed, thumbs stroking the back of Obi-Wan’s

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