Things have been a bit shit lately so. I was wondering if you’d be willing to write something about Cody and Rex taking care of Obi Wan? Or idk. Maybe just the two of them keeping Obi Wan between them, running their hands through his hair and over his arms and back. Just touching him gently and softly because Obi Wan never really gets to have that? Hell maybe even a continuation of that one where they made Obi Wan finally sleep. Just something where they get to love him softly please?

Obi-Wan blinked tiredly and sighed, shifting to push himself up only
for a hand to firmly but gently keep him down on the futon on the
floor of his tent.

“…Cody, I need to get up, we got t-”

“No. You’re sick. We’ve already informed General Skywalker and he’s
informed the council. We are not advancing forward until you are
better.” The Commander said firmly and Obi-Wan muttered before
gasping in surprise as gentle hands started to massage his ankles and

He tiredly glanced down to where Rex was sitting with Obi-Wan’s legs
in his lap, the blond clone smiling gently back.

“General Skywalker’s made sure someones going to be there to look
after you since, and I quote him on this, you’re terrible at it…and
I have to agree with him cyare.” Obi-Wan’s blond lover added
seriously before continuing his slow and steady massage of sore legs.

Obi-Wan grumbled a bit before reluctantly relaxing as Cody started
slowly stroking his fingers through the Jedi’s copper hair with a
steady touch, fingertips massaging the others scalp with steady

A small exhalation of utter contentment escaped him as Rex reached
his kneecaps and Cody’s fingers the nape of his neck.

“That’s it cyare.” Cody murmured approvingly. “You’re stunning
on the battlefield but you’re lovely when you’re relaxed just like
this for our touches.”

“Mmmn, shut up Cody.” Obi-Wan shifted, hiding a smile in the
other mans lap.

he’s right cyar’ika.
While you are handsome on the battlefield, this is how we like to see
you.” Rex reached up and turned Obi-Wan’s face towards them,
smiling down at him once he had the others eyes. “Relaxed, warm,
content…absolutely gorgeous to us.”

eyes fluttered closed as a thumb gently swiped underneath his left
eye, caressing the fragile skin with care before Rex sat back and
continued his steady massage and caress of the Jedi’s muscled legs.

we had our wish, this would be your everyday look.” Cody murmured,
teasing the tip of Obi-Wan’s nose before rubbing his hand up and down
the others back slowly.

we’ll take this day and as long as you are given by the high generals
to make it stick and make you relax.” Rex picked up on Cody’s trail
and squeezed a ankle with care.

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