SithQui-Gon and deaged Obi-Wan? How is the war different now that all of the Sith are working together instead of at cross-purposes? Is Obi-Wan being trained as a Sith? Are they letting him remain a Lightsider while he’s young?

it Obi-Wan, you know you want it, now reach for it with your want.”
Qui-Gon watched his young apprentice with a small smile over his
stapled fingers as Obi-Wan stared at the box containing the delicate
little pastries Yan had given him.

however had seen it as a wonderful little chance for some Force
lessons of the…hmm sithly variety.

one. You need to reach for it with your emotions.” He coaxed when
Obi-Wan slumped on his pillow with a small frown before looking at

don’t know. That’s not what they taught in the creche dad.”

also taught you not to get attached little one.” Qui-Gon shifted
until he was sitting beside the deaged former version of his padawan.
“I know its different Obi-Wan. I know you were taught differently
in the temple but there is another way, another balance. You know
what I am, what grandpa Yan is and what both Asajj and Maul are…you
can go a different way.” He stroked his hand gently over the soft
copper hair.

always wanted to be a Jedi…and Sith are suppose to…” His little
one bit his lips and Qui-Gon shifted him until Obi-Wan was sitting in
his lap. “Sith are suppose to be the bogey men of the Initiates, I
know. But you know us little one. Are we truly so bad?” Qui-Gon
wrapped his arms around the little boy.

gnawed on his bottom lip, staring at him.

hurt people.” He settled on.

do the Jedi and their troopers.” Qui-Gon didn’t deny it, he knew
that with Obi-Wan he would either have to go half truths or full
truths when the questions were direct.

mulled over that. “They are, aren’t they…did I hurt people?” He
turned wide green eyes on Qui-Gon and the man sighed. “Sometimes.
You didn’t mean to, you tried to be a good Jedi.” He stroked a soft
cheek. “But sometimes its unavoidable little one.”

stared at his hands. “There is no emotion, there is peace…” He
whispered at his hands before looking at the other man again. “What
do Sith say?”

“Peace is a lie,
there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through
strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through
victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.” Qui-Gon
recited quietly, his eyes flashing yellow and Obi-Wan stared at him
before ducking his head again.


“Free little

“Free from what?”

“Free from
whatever would hold you down, free from what anyone would do to hold
you down, free to achieve the greatness the Force would give you.
Free…to be you.” He stroked his hand through Obi-Wan’s hair.

He let Obi-Wan
think, his little one was a smart cookie and coercion was not
something he wanted to use on him.

“Free doesn’t
sound so bad.” Obi-Wan whispered. “I’d be…free to like you?
Free to play with Grandpa Yan?” He peered up at Qui-Gon and the
older man smiled slowly.

“Free to do
whatever you wished my Obi-Wan.” He closed the boy in a warm hug,
eyes glittering possessively in the light. Perhaps, just perhaps he
could turn his little one after all and have him by his side as a
proper apprentice in full public.

After all, planet
after planet were falling for their hands as they went forward, both
Maul and Asajj working well as generals, and then there was Maul’s
apprentice, Savage helping out too. ‘Soon we won’t need Sidious

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