More of obi wan being the last defense for the clones? The aftermath and clones protecting him?

medical tent were full.

evac to behind the lines had come but it had come later then hoped
and most of the clones had still breathed in a substantial amount of
the gas which had torn through their lungs.

a breathing in a mist like bacta treatment was currently solving it
along with bacta patches for various injuries. Four of them had
required actual bacta tanks and were currently floating inside them
and two had perished.

Cody couldn’t find it in himself to care about that at the moment as
he sat on his own bed and stared at the bed containing his General,
breathing mask for the bacta still on though he refused to remain

wasn’t the only clone doing it so the droids had just given in

Skywalker had come storming in a hour ago too, had taken one look at
General Kenobi and promptly turned on his heel in a swirl of his
robes, his face drawn in a tight, pale grimace that could only mean
anger. Cody had vaguely heard the sound of a lightsaber moments later
and a quick question to one of the 501’s had told him that the
General was doing katas, fast and furious outside in a larger area to
calm down.

would have joined him if he could, to get rid of the nervous energy
itching under his skin as he watched the limp and pale shape of
Obi-Wan Kenobi.

he wakes, we’re going to have a long conversation about appropriate
sacrifices for clones.’ Cody pressed his lips together tightly. They
were expendable, they were created to fight a war, Jedi’s, Generals
weren’t suppose to…suppose to…

to lay on death’s doorstep on a medical tent bed.

suppose to have their lungs almost dissolved from gas for their men.

suppose to bleed internally from crash damage.

suppose to suffer from physic exhaustion from prolonged Force use.

suppose to be suffer from dislocated arms and broken clavicle.

for them. All for protecting the 212 from the gas and the droids.

It was
their duty to be Obi-Wan Kenobi’s defense and attack. Not the other
way around and Cody tasted the ashes of failure in his mouth as he
watched the man breath slowly, the bacta mist, thank little gods,
improving his condition by the second.

then the General coughed, blood splattering the inside of the mask
covering his face as green eyes snapped open then narrowed in pain as
he continued coughing harshly, more blood filling the mask with each

was on his feet but the droids were there before any of the vods
could do more then shift of the beds, pulling the mask of the General
and letting him cough out the blood, red stripes rolling down his
cheeks and mingling into his beard until he stopped and the mask,
which had been cleaned, was replaced.

green stared at the tent ceiling, blinking slowly.

was a loud curse from outside the tent and then General Skywalker was
back, marching to Obi-Wan’s bed and staring down at him and taking in
the blood before turning to the droid. “What happened? I felt…”

lung tissue has fully formed, trapping blood inside. General Kenobi
expelled the blood and has now a fully functioning lungs. Another
hour and we will be transferring him to a bacta tank as he will now
be able to breath on his own.” The droid offered in a monotone.
“This was to be expected.”

The General let out a quiet curse before nodding and sitting down on
a chair and taking one spasming hand, holding it with care. “A
warning-” Skywalker growled out. “Would have been appreciated,
for all of us.” He looked up at Cody. “At ease Commander, he
feels stronger.”

Cody closed his eyes then slowly sat down, hearing others around the
tent do the same. “General, I-”

“Don’t…Just don’t. Me and Obi-Wan…we care for our men. But
Obi-Wan has difficulties expressing it but he does care. And if we
can prevent casualties we will. So please, for his sake, don’t say
anything. He tries so hard to be the perfect Jedi.” General
Skywalker sighed then settled to hold the pale hands between his own
gloved ones.

“Just be grateful for who are still alive.” He gave the hand
between his a careful squeeze.

Cody stared at him before nodding slowly.

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