The cloaks really do hide everything. Including obi wan’s beard hiding his face. Also comparisons when he was a padawan to now, as they should get photos while growing up.

“They’ve been whispering to each other for the last ten minutes and
glancing over at us every few seconds.” Obi-Wan sighed, rubbing his

It was suppose to be downtime, just relax and be calm but the more
the little group of clones with Rex and Cody in the middle glanced at
them and went back to whispering about something, the tenser Obi-Wan
felt himself become.

“Oh relax Obi-Wan, most likely they’ve found some holonet gossip.
Perhaps its one of those claiming you’re really two jawas in a
android suit?” Anakin laughed warmly.

“Or perhaps the one claiming you’re pregnant with your padawan’s
love child?” Obi-Wan shot back and Ahsoka sniggered under her

Anakin sulked. “I’m not getting fat enough for that. Also, male..

“Everything is possible with the Force my former Padawan.”
Obi-Wan smirked then sniggered when Anakin got a terrified expression
on his face. “But so far we have no records of such things
happening, relax Anakin.”

“Hey, I was created by the Force apparently, apologies for being
nervous.” The blond huffed and Obi-Wan hummed, considering that.
“When you put it like that…okay, honestly, I need to know what
they are talking about.” Obi-Wan found himself once again
distracted by the clones whispering.

He moved towards them, raising his eyebrows when half of them
scattered like naughty Initiates.

“Commander Cody, may I inquire what you and Captain Rex has found
that is so interesting for everyone?” He asked crisply.

Rex and Cody traded looks before the Commander gave a half grin to
him. “We may have done some…digging into the past sir. And found
some old photos…of you.”

Obi-Wan blinked then stared as Cody showed him what had the clones so

It was him, from his padawan days. One just a shy year into his
padawan ship with him hiding underneath Qui-Gon’s robe from the rain,
looking both wet and yet happy tucked under his Master’s robe into
his side. And a later one, piggybacking on Qui-Gon’s back, his leg
clearly broken, both looking like they’d been dragged through a
wormhole but alive.

But it was clearly the one of Obi-Wan and Anakin that had received
the most attention from the clones. A half year into Anakin’s
padawanship, Obi-Wan’s hair was still in a short cut and he had no
beard, he had his hand on Anakin’s shoulder and was smiling ever so
slightly down at the ten year old.

“You were cute General Kenobi.” Cody couldn’t handle his own grin
and it broke forward fully. “The dimples really suit you.”

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