Obi-wan is used to dealing with his Master’s «pathetic life forms,» but what would happen if a pathetic life form decided to adopt Obi-wan instead?

“Master its not funny.” Obi-Wan groaned as the large tongue kept
‘grooming’ his head and hair, slicking the short strands to his scalp
and covering him in viscous saliva.

Qui-Gon chuckled quietly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh but
it is, you do complain about me bringing home pathetic life forms
often, this time one of them seem to have adopted you.”

“We are neither home and I honestly don’t think a howlrunner is
pathetic by any shape or form.” Obi-Wan huffed then groaned as the
canine wrapped itself more tightly around him, nuzzling at him with
its human like skull head. “I know we’re borrowing its cave but
please master, can’t you…make it sleep?”

“I think its good of you to get a closeness with animal life
Obi-Wan. Or you can try to send her away yourself.” Qui-Gon offered
peacefully, smiling still. He wished he had a camera to take a holo,
Yoda would love to see this.

Obi-Wan sighed then groaned as the howlrunner continued ‘grooming’

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