Could you write more touch starved Obi-Wan? Maybe other Jedi finding out, idk

He’d only patted Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

A brief, if heavy touch.

Yet Obi-Wan had flinched, as if physically struck and given Mace a
owlish look before covering up and smiling at him. “Was there
something you needed Master Mace?” He asked, polite as always

“No…No Knight Obi-Wan, I was just…I wanted to congratulate you
on a well done mission. First time missions alone can be strenuous
and hard. Its impressive you finished yours as well and as quickly as
you did.” Mace hid his surprise under his usual stern expression
but allowed a small smile to the younger man.

Obi-Wan blinked before giving a short bow and smiling in return.
“Thank you. I’ll be sure to pass those words along to my padawan,
he helped quite a bit.” He stepped back and left the council

Mace stared at him before turning when he heard Yoda sigh. “Careful
you should be, Obi-Wan fragile can be.”

“He flinched. Why?” Mace frowned. The care of all Jedi the
council was and Obi-Wan’s reaction to his touch was…disturbing.

Yoda sighed again and fiddled with his grimer stick. “Break my cane
over creche masters and Qui-Gon’s shins I should have. Touch starved
Obi-Wan is. Difficulties he had growing up, visions in the creche and
difficulties in apprenticeship. Tried to help.” Yoda huffed before
looking up at Mace and pointing his stick at him. “Touch starved
Obi-Wan is, longing for touch yet always surprised by friendly ones.”
His ears dipped sadly.

“…I know we’re not to talk ill of the dead but what in kriff did
Qui-Gon do to that boy?” Mace frowned thunderously, noting Plo
slide past him and hurry of down the hall.

“Much difficulties. Resolved it they did but traumas lingered,
Obi-Wan withdrew into self. A gentle touch he needs.”

“Has he been to the mindhealers?” Mace stepped to the old master.

“Been told to go to them he has, willing to go? Not so much. And
being forced would not help. Healer Altan almost break cane on me for
that.” Yoda huffed then smiled. “Smart she is, right she is.
Force him we can’t.”

Mace rubbed his face. “So…what do we do?”

“Do? Do what Plo is doing. Slow touches, let Obi-Wan come to us
once he knows he can.” Mace blinked and turned to the open council
doors where Plo and Obi-Wan were standing further down there hall,
Plo’s hand carefully resting on the young man’s shoulder.

Obi-Wan was leaning slightly into it, giving a half smile at whatever
the other Jedi was saying.

“Let him know he’s wanted. Occasionally ask if he would go to the
healers. Little things. Having tea with him tomorrow I am.” Yoda
shuffled of his chair with care. “Perhaps you wish to come Master
Mace?” Old eyes peered up at him.


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